
JW Great Western Divide, SEKI Sierras. Photo: Nick Bobroff


LiteTrail is an ultralight backpacking and hiking project I've been hacking on since 2012. The intent is mainly content driven, though at one point I designed and manufactured gear, some of which is sold today at stores like REI under various brands. I've been into the ultralight style of hiking since 2005 when I heard about making a wood burning stove from a can of beans. What a change from the early days when we mail ordered from Campmor's news print illustrated catalogs! It's been a journey and a welcome escape from the high stress tech world my professional life creates.

I have a passion for all aspects of the lightweight backpacking space, including the lifestyle, practical minimalism, gear lists, product reviews, trip reports, tips, techniques, myog/diy, and of course the community. The content you find at LiteTrail will express my own experiences in the aforementioned areas with a focus on how they apply to bigger mile days and thru hiking. I hope you enjoy it!

It's better to wear out one's shoes than one's sheets.



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